A drive through the northern part of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation area might lead you through the oldest municipality in Sussex County. There is a Post Office, there is a church, and there is a school, or at least what looks like was once a school. There are a few houses that line a street unlike any other in the area, with their painted white exteriors, red brick chimneys, and small shady porches. There is absolutely no one to talk to. A few miles from Buttermilk Falls in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, in the Flat Brook Valley, stands Wallpack Center, the town that time forgot!

Wallpack Township, formed in 1731 aut of Hunterdon County, included the present township of Montegue, Sandyston and the former Pahaquarry.The Delaware river forms the western boundary and the Old Mire Road, supposedly built by Duch miners before 1664 traverses the township.Anna Symmes, Mother-in-low of President William Henry Harrison, is buried in tre Old Shapanack cemetery.In 1757 Jonathan Hampton constructed this toad through the village to connect Elizabethtown and Morristown with Fort Shapanack for military supplies during French and Indian and Revolutionary Wars.The esrly ferries, Decker and Rosenkrans, operated between Wallpack bend and Pennsylvania,Wallpack Township is the oldest municipality in Sussex County

Walpack Center, Wallpack Township

Walpack Center, Wallpack Township

Walpack Center, Wallpack Township

Walpack Center, Wallpack Township

Walpack Center, Wallpack Township

Walpack Center, Wallpack Township

Walpack Center, Wallpack Township